On Can of Worms this week guests are Kris Smith, Ross Noble and Phil Jamieson .
Are Fake Boobs A Turn Off
A UK study has found modern men are staging a backlash against the rise of boob jobs, claiming fake breasts are a complete turn off.
More than 10,000 Australian women have breast augmentations every year, with the Gold Coast boasting the country’s largest fake breasts at 50 – 75 millilitres above the national average size.
So, is bigger really better? Some say fake is fabulous while others prefer the look and feel of the real thing.
Are Mothers More Important Than Fathers?
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, there are now 12,000 stay at home dads in Australia compared to 230,000 mums, an increase of almost 36 per cent over two years. When it comes to raising a child, which parent has the most impact? What do they each provide and which one provides it best? Are mothers more important than fathers?
Join host Chrissie Swan and celebrity guests Ross Noble, Phil Jamieson and Kris Smith as we get abreast of these juicy topics and so many more.
Monday at 8:30pm on TEN.
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