Bump Review

Bump Review

Stan kicks off the New Year with its latest original series Bump.

When Bump opens, we are introduced to Olympia ‘Oly’ Chamlers-Davis (Nathalie Morris), an overachieving year 11 students who knows exactly where she’s going in life. She has a boyfriend, Lachie (Peter Thurnwall), and has ambitious goals with her best friend Reema (Safia Arain).

Her mother Angie (Claudia Karvan), an English teacher, and father Dom (Angus Sampson) are on shaky ground, with Dom spending most of his time on his boat following being retrenched.

Everyone’s regular day soon changes when Oly gives birth to a baby which actually belongs to aspiring artist Santiago ‘Sanit’ (Carlos Sanson Jnr), who seems to have a thing with Angel (Catalina Palma Godoy). Santi lives with his father Matias (Ricardo Scheihining-Vasquez), a school teacher married to Rosa (Paula Garcia). Santi’s grandparents, Bernadita (Claudia De Giusti) and Alejandro (Miguel Andrade), also live with them.

How will these two families come together, and how will Oly adjust to being a new parent, juggling all her hopes and dreams? One thing’s for sure – things will never be  the same.

Creators Kelsey Munro and Claudia Karvan take an interesting premise and, through the two episodes watched for this review, pen a pilot that balances comedy and drama effortlessly as Oly deals with the surprise and consequences of her actions.

Casting is sublime with Nathalie Morris being incredibly watchable that it’s hard not to fall in love with Oly. But honestly, there isn’t a bad performances from anyone, with a cast of fresh faces delivering some incredible performances. Seeing Claudia reuniting with  producer John Edwards is a masterstroke.

Bump shows us what can happen when being blindsided by life – when the best laid plans can easily and instantly come unstuck.

Start the year off on the right foot by watching Bump.


5 Stars

Bump premieres on Stan on New Year’s Day.




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