Bondi Rescue and Gold Coast Cops return

Bondi Rescue and Gold Coast Cops return

Ten is returning to of it’s favorite factuals to screen next week

New  episodes of Bondi Rescue will screen at 6:30pm Sunday.

Bondi’s south corner is reeking havoc with a combination of big swell and powerful rips. An inexperienced surfer is sucked into a vortex and Yatesy paddles into 10 foot swell for a rescue that pushes his skill as a lifeguard. The rescue doesn’t go to plan and Yatesy finds himself in trouble washed up on the rocks. His patient is nowhere to be seen.
And with more sightings of sharks at Bondi than ever before, the lifeguards put a new shark deterrent technology to the test. Could this be the future for Bondi swimmers and lifeguards.

It will be followed by the return of Gold Coast Cops at 7 pm

Working from a tip off from an informant, Sergeant Blair Casey and the team execute an emergency raid on a drug dealer. The dealer tells the police that he is a small time operator, but they know from their informant that he has an ounce of cannabis on him, and they are determined to find it. A search uncovers a safe hidden in the dealer’s bedroom, as he won’t provide the combination, the police call for a locksmith.

While they wait, the officers find an incriminating selfie on the dealer’s phone, the photograph shows him playing gangster in the mirror with a mountain of cannabis buds. What will the police discover once the locksmith opens the safe?


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