Last night Big Brother took a very interesting turn of events.
a heroic (and ironic given he nominated Jade for 2 points) move , Drew saved Jade from nomination and possible eviction after winning SHOWDOWN, and chose to sacrifice Matthew in her place.
After Tuesday night’s nominations Jade found herself up for eviction after she tied for four points with Tim. Ed had to make the tough decision as to who he would be up against. Was it strategy or an emotional decision on Ed’s behalf to choose Jade? Whatever it was, Jade can breathe a sigh of relief now knowing she is safe for another week in the BIG BROTHER House, all thanks to her ‘faux-ex-Husband’ Drew.
All Housemates believe that this week two of the nominees: Ben, Ed, Katie and Lucy, Matthew, Mikkayla and Tahan will go home as part of a Double Eviction. But, what they don’t know is that BIG BROTHER has yet another trick up his sleeve. The nominee with the least amount of votes to save will actually be evicted from the BIG BROTHER house, while the nominee with the most votes to save will be whisked off to a secret location, only to be reintroduced to the Housemates at a later date. It’s sure to be a huge shock to all, especially as they will be armed with some game changing insights on what has been happening in the house since the ‘evictions’ took place.
Viewers have an important task ahead of them this week, as they will not only decide who is evicted from the BIG BROTHER House with the least amount of votes, they will most importantly be voting for who gets to stay and play the game with more of an advantage than ever in this week’s FAKE Double eviction.
Here’s how to vote to save your favourite Housemate:
SMS- to save BEN, ED, KATIE & LUCY, MATTHEW, MIKKAYLA, or TAHAN text their name to
199 55 999.
Phone- phone the below number of the Housemate you want to save:
Ben – 1902 55 95 01
Ed – 1902 55 95 04
Katie & Lucy – 1902 55 95 12
Matthew – 1902 55 95 08
Mikkayla – 1902 55 95 09
Tahan – 1902 55 95 13
Voting lines are now open with Facebook voting closing 7.00pm AEST and SMS/Phone voting closing at 7.23pm AEST, Monday 16th September 2013.
Big Brother continues 7 PM tonight on Nine
source 9