Big Brother gets set for the intruders

Big Brother has searched the country and assembled six powerful intruders who represent the best this game has to offer.

Fashion stylist Adriana, account manager Brenton, trampoline park attendant Gabe, FIFO worker Mitch and identical twins Alex and Charlotte are set to invade the house and turn the game upside down.

With superior physical and mental capabilities, these men and women are the biggest threats to the 10 remaining housemates so far. But as always, there’s a twist.

The intruders will have to earn their place as a fully-fledged housemate by winning a challenge or getting voted into the game by the original housemates.

With only four spots up for grabs, the fight to survive will be intense.

Which intruders will make the cut? Let the battle begin.

Big Brother Continues 7.30pm Monday on Channel 7 


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