Big Brother Changes Nomination Rules

Big Brother has changed the nomination process with only four being up,instead of the usual six housemates.

Tahan, Tully, Katie & Lucy and Jade were the unlucky nominees, on 14, 11, 7 and 7 points respectively. Meanwhile, unbeknown to the Housemates, Monday night’s FAKE evictee Ben was enjoying mocktails and popcorn in the luxury of the Presidential Suite.

Thanks to Matthew, Ed received The Caller Super Power. He was able to place two phone calls to Ben, who he was led to believe had left the house and was watching the nominations live from Big Brother HQ. Ed asked a series of point-related questions and was given six points to nominate with, he gave two each to Tahan, Jade and Drew. His Super Power points did not change the outcome of the nominations, but only Ben, who was watching from the comfort of the Presidential Suite, will ever know that.

Ben was also given the chance to ask Ed and Tahan a question via Big Brother in the Diary Room. To his surprise, Ben learnt that he was viewed as a big threat in the competition to not only them, but also Tim. Ben was also able to learn of the strategy they planned to use in the weeks ahead, which gave Ben the ultimate insight in to each of their game plans.

With the Housemates already planning to wear their pyjamas in honour of their dearly departed Housemate Ben’s Birthday next week, they are sure to be shocked when he re-enters the house  tonight, especially when they realise he was safe from this round of nominations and next week’s eviction.

Meanwhile Showdown is on the horizon again, with the winner of this week’s Showdown gaining the power to save a nominee bringing the total to three.

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