Angie’s Parents Crash The Mansion

Angie’s Parents Crash The Mansion

If The Bachelors thought the standup comedy challenge was intimidating, Spare a thought for how they felt coming face-to-face with their prospective in-laws, The Kents.   

Tonight’s episode kicked off with Ciarran being chosen for a special single date. While there was no denying a physical attraction and adoration of his childish charm, Angie was keen to see a more serious side to the eccentric Brit.

After tackling the wild seas on a speedboat, Angie and Ciarran’s conversation took a serious turn as they cosied up on a lush rooftop above the city skyline.

Ciarran spoke candidly about his “wonky childhood”, which saw him grow up with a lack of money and stability. He spoke affectionately about his grandmother, who had been his “saving grace” throughout his turbulent upbringing.

Despite only being 25 in age, Ciarran surprised Angie with his maturity and how he gives 110% in everything he does. Angie was touched that he trusted her enough to be vulnerable, giving him a rose to prove that she could see a future with him.

The next day, Angie arrived at the mansion announcing that she and the remaining Bachelors were going to spend the day with two very special guests—her parents Mark and Jane.

With Angie’s best interest at heart, her parents wasted no time getting to know the men. While Jane took a more traditional approach, chatting with each one individually to get a better understanding of who they were, dad Mark decided to play a game of Truth or Pass.

During the game, it came to light that everyone thought Angie should steer clear of Jamie as he was too needy, and that the men were still apprehensive about Ryan and his intentions.

Relaying the revelations back to Angie, Mark noted Carlin and Ciarran as potential partners, while Jane took a liking to Ryan, who she felt had plenty in common with Angie. Mark was upfront about his aversion towards Timm, and both parents warned Angie to be wary of Jamie.

Later at the cocktail party, things took a turn for the worse as Jamie discovered what the Bachelors had said behind his back to Angie’s parents.   He felt that he had been thrown under the bus and immediately sought to rectify the damage done to his reputation. As Angie entered the Cocktail Party, Jamie made a beeline for her and requested a private chat.

Jamie fumbled through the conversation saying that although it was partially true that he was a “stage-5 clinger”, it was a stretch to say that Angie should avoid him. And that out of all the men in the mansion, he was one of the three who had genuine intentions.

The chat proved to be Jamie’s saving grace, because at the rose ceremony, Angie said goodbye to Glenn


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