60 Days in returns in April on Foxtel

60 Days in returns in April on Foxtel

Foxtel’s crime + investigation network will premiere the third season of the ground-breaking documentary series and global television phenomenon 60 Days In next month. 

Produced by A+E Network in the US, this extraordinary new season moves from Indiana to Atlanta’s Fulton County Jail – one of the most dangerous facilities in the United States – and follows nine innocent volunteers who are sent to jail for 60 days, living amongst the prisoners and under the watch of around-the-clock cameras, without fellow inmates or staff knowing their secret.

With five times the number of inmates at Fulton County Jail than in previous seasons, rampant drug problems within the prison, a powerful gang population and the constant threat of violence, the innocent participants of 60 Days In are plunged even deeper into the dangerous world of incarceration in season three.

Said Foxtel’s General Manager of Factuals, Jim Buchan, “60 Days In as a concept has proven to be as fascinating a series phenomenon for our Ci audience as it has internationally. A social experiment with purpose, the series has provided viewers with an incredibly unique look at what incarceration does to people and how we deal with criminals in our supposed modern society.”

Chief Jailer of the Fulton County Jail, Colonel Mark C. Adger, learned of the tremendous success of the previous undercover programs in seasons one and two filmed in Clark County Jail, Indiana – and invited nine new volunteers in to his facility for season three, in order to expose the root of the prison’s issues, while providing an unbiased perspective of life on the inside.

The participants who infiltrate the jail this season include a special education teacher who works with at-risk youth; a man who believes the system has failed African Americans and wants to help fight discrimination; a former corrections officer who wants to see what it is like when the roles are reversed; a woman who met her husband while he was incarcerated and hopes to understand his institutionalised behaviour and a Marine with law enforcement aspirations.

60 Days In season three is a 15 x 60 minute series produced by A+E Network in the US. It is exclusive to Foxtel’s crime + investigation network in Australia.


60 Days In premieres on Wednesday, April 26 at 9.30pm AEST on crime + investigation network.



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