Amazon Stand Up Judith Lucy: Judith Lucy vs. Men Review

Amazon Stand Up  Judith Lucy: Judith Lucy vs. Men Review

Amazon Prime drops the next instalment in their stand up series, with Judith Lucy getting help with her love life.

When we begin Judith Lucy vs. Men, there’s crowd interaction as Lucy gets to know her audience, and it’s a nice touch to tart the 75-minute special.

Before we get too deep into this, it’s established that Judith hasn’t had a lot of luck with the men in her life, and she’s just had a spectacular break up story, coupled alongside one just after turning 50.

The key to the show comes when Lucy recruits a “love jury” of six members to hear all the evidence and, at the end of the night, decide if she should keep dating or shut up shop for good.

So begins a show that goes through Lucy’s relationship with men, from her absent biological and adoptive father, to her dating intimate moments over the years.

Lucy knows her audience and getting to know them helps elevate any awkwardness moving forward. Sharp and full of funny stories,

Judith Lucy vs. Men is a solid hour of a comic sharing their life, warts and all, and it certainly pays off in the end.

4 Stars

Judith Lucy: Judith Lucy vs. Men drops Today  on Amazon Prime.




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