I Am Heath Ledger to air on Seven

I Am Heath Ledger to air on Seven

On Sunday Seven screens the documentary I Am Heath Ledger which sees  friends and family of the late actor remember his life and career.

Heath Ledger had you at hello.

His hoarse, smoky voice didn’t hurt. Nor did his Sean Connery brow and jawline. Just as much, it was the impression he gave of being a seeker and an explorer — still trying on different identities to the day that he died. And partly, it was his behavior on set, where he steered clear of chauffeurs and trailers, preferred skateboards to SUVs, and worked alongside the crew between setups.

But for those who knew him best, it was his rejection of the trappings and attention of Hollywood along with his attempt to live an ordinary artist’s life — the key word being ‘artist’ — that were chief among his greatest allures.

I Am Heath Ledger is that documentary. Ledger’s passing deprived acting of one of its most accomplished and promising talents — a towering pillar of talent silenced before his time. Ledger thought deeply about his craft — refusing to be defined solely by his good looks, he pursued new challenges with each role he took on creating a hodgepodge of characters that are deliberately unlike one another.

I Am Heath Ledger goes one better. Only a handful of stars who died young have had the kind of resonance that grows with time, transcends generational taste, and sums up their eras.

I Am Heath Ledger honors this fact. Ledger fully inhabited life, leaving not just traces, but laid bare great swaths of himself for an adoring public to ponder. Extravagant in gesture and in action, it was this energy and unshakable willingness to take risks that instilled such an extraordinarily deep love and affection in those people close to him.

I Am Heath Ledger depicts an extremely gifted and versatile artist whose talents spanned a broad array of mediums including acting, producing, directing, screenwriting, photography, painting, poetry, and music.

This feature documentary showcases a combination of originally filmed interviews paired with archival footage, iconic photographs, home movies and family snapshots. Serving as threads to connect his ever-changing roles and the circumstances of the artist’s life are music videos Ledger directed, bringing to life his passion for being truly behind the camera.

This must see documentary  airs 9pm Sunday on Seven


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