Celbbritity Splash Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

Celbbritity Splash Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

Celebrity Splash was more splash than sink last night, but if history is anything to go by, we shouldn’t expect it to last. Until then, here’s episode two!

The seven remaining divers come out of hiding and resume their position on the Dive Lounge. They are:

Denise Drysdale

Andrew Welsh

Demi Harman

Nick Bracks

Koby Abberton

Leisel Jones

Adam Richard

Larry and Kylie remind us of how this works. The judges and audience will vote for their favourite divers, ranking them from first to last. The three highest scorers will automatically advance to the semi-final. The bottom two will be automatically eliminated. The middle two will head into a dive-off.

Leisel Jones is first. She remembers watching this event in the stands during the Sydney Olympics, so the familiar venue provides little comfort from the 7.5m mark! Her dive involves her ‘falling off’ the board sitting down and going into the water hands first. Greg says she did very well, but isn’t happy it was a sitting dive. He gives her an eight for execution and a four for courage. Alisa thinks she is tough and courageous. She commends her. Alisa gives her an eight and a six. Matthew loves her toe point but calls it splashy. He gives her a seven and a five.

She gets 38/60.

Next up is Adam Richard. He broke a nail in training. He’s diving from five metres. He seems like a crowd favourite. He does a simple hands first dive. Greg says it is stylish and loves how he’s gotten healthier from it. He gives Adam a seven and an eight. Alisa is proud of him as he’s gotten off the couch. She gives him a 7 and an 8 as well. Matthew Mitcham would have loved more height from him. He gives a seven and an eight as well. This gives him a 45/60 total.

Andrew Welsh is up next. He’s diving from 7.5m. He’s doing a back somersault turn. Let’s see how he did. Also, am I the only one finding Kylie’s upward inflections off-putting? Greg calls it great and thinks it is tremendous that he jumped. He gets a seven and an eight from George. Alisa gives him two eights. Matt notices a heap of technical errors. He gives Andrew a six and a seven, landing him with 44 points overall.

Up next is Home and Away star Demi Harman. She will be diving from 5m. She went in a little over-rotated. Greg gives her a five and a seven. He thought it looked painful. So did Alisa, who can see bruises forming on her legs. She gives Demi a four and a seven. Matt wants to cry. She is given a four and an eight. That’s a combined score of 35/60.

Nervous Nick Bracks is fifth to take the plunge. He had trouble in training with his nerves, but he’s diving from 7.5m today with a back off dive. He doesn’t go in too gracefully. It was definitely the funniest of the night! Greg loved his courage. He gives him a 5 and a 10! Alisa wanted to cry for him as she can relate to his height fear. She gives him a 5 and a 10. Matt gives him a 3 for his ‘ugly technique’ but another ten for courage. He gets a 43 in the end.

Koby is next and he will be the only one going from the 10m mark tonight. He does a straight somersault dive. Greg thought it looked alright. He gives him a 7 and an 8. Alisa thought he was fearless and loved his tactics. She thinks it was worth an 8 and a 9. Matthew agrees with Alisa and says it was pretty. He gives him an eight and a nine. That’s a big 49!

Last up tonight is Denise Drysdale. She too has been battling the nerves, but will be diving from five metres. She basically just jumps in. Greg is happy with it, but worries she won’t be able to do the next dive next week. She gets a 5 and a 9 from him. Alisa is also happy she’s breaking stereotypes tonight. She gives Denise a 7 and a 9. Matthew calls it a beautiful pin drop, giving her a 7 and a 9. That totals 46. 46 for a pin drop? Oh, well.

Here’s a recap of the judge’s scores from highest to lowest:








Now it’s time to find out who’s going, who’s staying and who’s diving again tonight. The celebrities through to the semi-final are Koby, Denise and Adam Richard. The contestants eliminated are Andrew Welsh and Leisel Jones. Nick Bracks and Demi Harman will be heading into the dive off.

Demi’s dive off looks like it went the same way as last time. Nick has changed his dive as he’s going…from the TEN METRE MARK!!! Good on him! He was much more gracious that time. He has this in the bag.

Greg votes for Nick. Alisa votes for Nick as well, which means Demi was eliminated. Matt gives Demi his vote.

And there we have it. Next up is the semi-finals- and they’re going down in pairs!


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